This web site is a projection of what I know best, from all my fun decades in journalism. I write something and, great googamooga, it gets published. On line, but published.
I do not understand Twitter. I don’t know who is talking to whom. I don’t know the difference between Followers and Following and Followed. I feel like a bloke who mistakenly wanders into a dark room and becomes aware of an orgy going on. (Plato’s Re-Tweet?) I don’t know who is doing what, and to whom -- and why? But it is most certainly going on. I know people tweet. In the past year or two, I have sat in baseball press boxes (nobody argues anymore) and watched my talented young colleagues who do such good work hunched over little devices, twiddling their thumbs in controlled fashion. Occasionally, somebody chimes up: “Good one.” The other day, my web guru enrolled me in Twitter; she says hundreds of people signed up Tuesday. I am stunned, and honored, and confused. I will try to live up to expectations. Which are? (Comments welcome) @georgevecsey
Jason Krebs
2/15/2012 01:52:00 am
Your body of work has created the highest of expectations George, and thus a lifetime of goodwill. That means you have no expectations to reach. All the thoughts you'll share are additive and welcomed. Just make sure the Jets win another SB soon. 2/15/2012 02:09:31 am
I agree (mostly) with Jason. It helps if you think of Twitter as your own personal wire service (minus the clattering teletype and clanging bell). Did you write something? Tweet it. Did you see some story you think is cool? Share it by tweeting the link. You see something someone else said that's cool? You RT it. You want to make a snarky comment about someone else's tweet? Then you attach your comment and add the RT. Put a little of your personality in there, tweet about whatever you find interesting and pretty soon you'll pick up followers -- and get the hang of tweeting. What's really cool is when people respond to you (by putting @georgevecsey at the front of their comment) and then you reply to them and get a conversation going. Incidentally, you may want to follow the Wild Man of Tweetdom, @buzzbissinger. He's completely unhinged but fun to read in bursts. Happy twittering!
George Vecsey
2/15/2012 02:39:17 am
Thanks for the reactions. One school of thought is that I will become obsessed. I have great admiration for Bizzinger in long form. Will have to check out this version. Appreciate the practical advice. 10/21/2014 12:15:12 pm
It’s actually great! You may deeply focus on it while writing up and very easily readers get more advantages here. Comments are closed.