The smelt was incidental when our grand-daughter Anjali paid a visit to the Seattle Aquarium recently. She was more interested in the light on the reeds.
Brian Savin
8/15/2014 02:06:13 pm
Yup, she's getting there. I'd suggest a title that provides an expression of what is going on to the artist in the photo composition. There is no communicated context in a nature photo other than what is suggested or obvious.
George Vecsey
8/15/2014 03:32:35 pm
Brian, thanks for noticing. We haven't had time to review the great photos you sent me, but I do ask her about the ones she does...She just sees stuff, interiors, colors ...does not plan or think, just snaps. 8/17/2014 09:25:13 am
George-Anjoli’s Photo Gallery should become a regular feature. Spontaneity and a good eye are a winning combination for a photographer. 10/17/2014 07:24:52 pm
Nice photo gallery and nice camera work done by photographer Comments are closed.