He seemed to dwell in the crevices of the Capitol Building, like the phantom of some loopy opera. He gravitated to the glare of the spotlight, revving up his dudgeon from zero to 100 in seconds, expressing outrage at all perfidies. He was the House attack pit bull for MSNBC.
“He loves this,” I used to think about Anthony Weiner when he emerged at full decibels for the latest media crisis. He loved the attention. Sometimes I wondered why he wasn’t back in his Congressional office, reading a bill, or something. I had the same thought in the last few days watching Weiner perform for the cameras. He loves this. He loves the attention, loves explaining the inexplicable of his phone-sex scandal. This is his core. There appears to be nothing behind it. He has reached the skin-crawling persona of a Jim Cramer, babbling about stocks in sing-song tones, or Rush Limbaugh, making up vile accusations with the assurance of a man on the street corner who thinks he is Napoleon. Anthony Weiner is out of control, in public, and he seems quite likely to force New Yorkers to be tempted to see him as an alternative to a large cluster of Democratic mayoral candidates. He has persuaded his wife to stand by his side in public view, and by extension he has included her mentor, Hillary Clinton, who cannot profit from these concentric circles of memory. I don’t think Weiner has enough sense to go away on his own. What we need now is the wisdom of the Polish rabbi, as played by Gene Wilder in the movie The Frisco Kid. At the end of a perilous trip across the continent, the rabbi subdues a vengeful outlaw who has pursued him. The rabbi, weary of violence, turns to the crowd and says (and here you must imagine the lush Wilderish-Yiddish pronunciations): “Would somebody please show this poor a------ the way out of town.” Enough already. * * * The great Christine Lavin has added a topical Carlos Danger minute to her ever-relevant song, "What Were You Thinking?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ44uYeRJpE 7/26/2013 10:50:05 am
Why is it that powerful people believe they can bully their way through problems without any lasting effects? Also, they rarely, if ever, learn from the experiences of other.
George Vecsey
7/26/2013 12:39:05 pm
Alan, thanks. I spent a week at a rehab center for a book I did, and I remember the counselors would ask people in a marriage, "What's in it for you?"
Ed Martin
7/27/2013 11:24:50 am
George, from afar, it seems the people of N.Y. are not going to elect Weiner, it is not South Carolina, or Florida, where the Governor was CEO of a hospital firm that had to pay more than $1 billion in fines for cheating Medicare--and then got elected.
Brian Savin
7/28/2013 12:23:35 am
American politics has devolved into our Roman Circus -- a gross distraction from reality. This particular fantastical, disgusting assault on our sensibilities is growing and extending. There was a line in the original Men In Black movie that the only papers printing the truth were the Star and National Enquirer. Well, for those true believers the NE is printing romantic links between Huma and Hillary. Bring on the lions!!
George Vecsey
7/28/2013 07:39:32 am
Brian, absolutely. I was kind of enjoying the debate about which candidate might replace Bloomberg, and this sad exhibitionist had to put himself into the mix. It's a free country, but still. GV 7/28/2013 08:38:12 am
It's fun to joke about the NYC mayoral race being a circus, but one of them will be elected.. I had dealings with John Catsimatidis when I lived and worked on the Upper West Side and he is not what NYC needs. Since this is a public forum, I'll say no more.
Brian Savin
7/30/2013 12:51:07 am
I was in Brooklyn yesterday getting the "street scoop" on this mayor race. The cognoscenti opinions are gathering around Christine Dunn. She has been critical of the mayor on health initiatives, but that's thought because she has her own, similar interests and her own people who care about those issues -- so just politics stuff. Catsimatidis was profiled awhile back on CBS Sunday Morning I seem to recall and got good play. (So any dirt needs coming out!)
Brian Savin
7/30/2013 01:03:32 am
My correction didn't go through: QUINN. not Dunn!
George Vecsey
7/30/2013 03:29:30 am
I respect him, but he had Joel Klein and then that rich lady, with no education or public leadership experience, running the schools. A walking advertisement for a two-term limit. From my sports perspective, Quinn was willing to criticize his Olympic plan for the big-box arena on the west side of Manhattan -- now the west side is able to grow without that dead space in the middle of it. GV 8/6/2013 10:46:14 pm
He gravitated to the glare of the spotlight, revving up his dudgeon from zero to 100 in seconds, expressing outrage at all perfidies. He was the House attack pit bull for MSNBC. 10/7/2013 10:58:49 pm
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