Best Wishes,2017 My wife received a Christmas email from Manjusha, a social worker in a poor corner of India, a friend since Marianne was doing volunteer work with children there. Manjusha added, “The life is really uncertain – maintaining internal peace is the only aim.” Her message struck a chord with both of us. In the past year I have found myself reciting the Serenity Prayer to myself: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. It works just as well if addressed to a higher power, or to common wisdom. In a dark time, it helps. *-- Quote often attributed to Confucius, or Eleanor Roosevelt, traced to sermon by William L. Watkinson, USA, in 1907. +- Serenity Prayer attributed to Reinhold Niebuhr. Full version.
Beer Michael M.
12/24/2017 01:44:35 pm
Merry Christmas, happy New Year and good health George!!! Warm regards, Michael 12/24/2017 06:01:42 pm
George, nice way to lead into a new and more hopeful new year.
12/24/2017 09:09:16 pm
12/26/2017 03:56:10 am
Happy Holidays, George et al. Our recent holiday of lights radiates a similar hope.
Altenir Silva
12/26/2017 06:29:09 pm
Dear George,
Brian Savin
12/26/2017 08:16:17 pm
The only darkness is what is in our minds or spirits We are on this earth to do our part, and that is all about our deeds, not simply all our too easy opinions.
George Vecsey
12/26/2017 09:08:36 pm
Brian Savin
12/27/2017 07:46:06 pm
George, a break will be good for you. Your reply makes that obvious. To say we are in a collective cancer, famine or Hitler is out of bounds and nutty. Our world is in transition but pretty damn good given the history of this place during human existence.... Even with all the stupid politicalization of almost everything these days, the best is yet to come.
Mike from Whitestone
12/28/2017 10:40:21 pm
Greetings GV, enjoy the respite from this stuff.........and agreed on the yappers, You know my deal hovers around the serenity prayer and more, you posting it reinforces its value.
George Vecsey
12/29/2017 10:05:52 am
Mike, you got it. You stared into the darkness....and light a candle day by day, particularly with the work with young people. Comments are closed.