![]() Another Saturday, another meeting. Our man in Paris, Bruce-From-Canada, caught up with his old friend at the same corner. "About 10 seconds after I took this zoom photo—around 1030 or so—he gathered his things up and started walking in my direction. I moved over and got a little in front of him and offered. He only glanced. usually seems to study for a few seconds. looked at me and said, 'merci beaucoup, bonne journee' and continued on this way. Wonder if he'll miss me next week? ![]() Earlier in this travelogue, Bruce told about his annual meeting with the man in the arrondissement -- the ritual potatoes, the thank you, in English. Bruce went back yesterday and found the man at his corner, and gave this succulent-looking helping of pommes de terre. This time, Bruce reports, the man thanked him, in French. (This sounds like a classic O. Henry New York short story, Bruce, so we are waiting for the next episode. A demain. ) ![]() Every October, Bruce goes back to the same neighborhood in Paris, and pretty much does the same things, as far as I can tell. Which is wonderful, considering that it is Paris. You know Bruce. Frequent contributor to this little website, from his regular enclave in the True North Strong and Free. Retired journalist. Former resident of Japan. And very good at pointing out the foibles of that nice benign country just below his. In our email, he counts down the days (the hours) until his next jaunt to Paris. Every year I call him a showoff, a dog, a provocateur, but knows I love showing his perambulations to my family. We made these same rounds, decades ago, once with our three children one sweet damp April. April In Paris. One more time. This year -- with all the horrors in the world -- Paris, Bruce's Paris, his corner of Paris, seems sweet and benign. So let's go with Bruce. Bruce writes: Three years ago i saw this guy standing about 50 metres from the Edgar Quinet marker near Montparnesse Market. I gave him half my potato fry and he took them without a word for the three consecutive weekends i was there. Last two years, also, I walked past the spot again today and he was there. I offered them to him today and he took them. Don't think we've said word - but today he said, "Thank you"-- in English. Ray (owner) insisted I have a cider—it was really good. Then told me he'd give me a full bottle to take back to canada when i leave. I had to turn him down since I have carry-on and liquid restrictions. (To which George adds: "Quel dommage.") (Presumably not the same meal): Creperie Montparnasse ![]() GV: Not a day or night goes by without a photo from some angle. Fine by me. We all have memories of Paris. Marianne and I remember our pal Greg driving around Paris in his convertible on a sparkly summer night after the Tour de France, circling the Tower once, twice, three times, like a championship lap, and Tout Paris sparkled like this.
Alan D Levine
10/18/2023 06:47:21 pm
Haven't been there in much too long.
10/18/2023 06:47:40 pm
Andy Tansey
10/18/2023 07:41:50 pm
"There is no substitute for . . . butter . . . ."
10/19/2023 04:16:57 am
10/20/2023 04:29:06 am
i should've added--in the very off chance--if anybody happens to visit paris and goes to le josselin that it's closed monday and tuesday and is cash only. 10/18/2023 06:51:28 pm
After a very tough few emotional days, it is good to hear from our northern agitator. Friend, family and community are what matters.
10/18/2023 07:01:22 pm
Walter Schwartz
10/18/2023 07:17:20 pm
Thanks, Bruce and George, for the pleasant diversion.
Altenir Silva
10/18/2023 07:18:49 pm
George and Friends,
10/18/2023 07:35:19 pm
George and Bruce,
10/18/2023 07:43:00 pm
10/18/2023 08:34:59 pm
10/18/2023 09:29:44 pm
10/21/2023 09:48:01 am
Kathy Andrews
10/18/2023 10:00:51 pm
10/19/2023 03:47:45 am
merci beaucoup madam.
10/19/2023 11:42:48 am
10/19/2023 04:29:17 pm
One trip we were looking for the Restaurant Pharamond (Normandy) in the Les Halles. We got off the Metro and I “S’il vous plains” a gentleman as started to ask, “Oo-eh Le Restaurant Pharamond?”
10/19/2023 04:19:09 am
pardon my typos. it was in the early morning hours when i replied to several of the posts. once again my proofreader wasn't up to the job.
Ed Martin
10/19/2023 01:51:57 pm
Bonjour Bruce, Glad to see that you are in Montreal East, salud!
10/19/2023 02:08:26 pm
ed....good to hear from you...i wandered past deux magots today.
Alan D Levine
10/19/2023 02:42:30 pm
I've been to France four times. Three in Europe, once off the coast of Newfoundland. They're more relaxed with English in that department than the folks in Quebec are. No language police.
10/19/2023 05:06:35 pm
10/21/2023 09:43:59 am
10/25/2023 02:35:21 pm
10/21/2023 10:45:42 am
Walter Schwartz
10/21/2023 12:30:50 pm
Sixty years ago, as a very young lawyer, I had a job in lower Manhattan on Vesey Street (pronounced "Vee-see") [the way some people mis-pronounce George's surname] and during my lunch hour I would walk around the blocks adjacent to the World Trade Center, including Church Street where just about every day I would encounter a small man walking around the same streets in a long overcoat, mumbling rapidly but politely to every passersby the same request: "Ten cents for a copy of coffee." More than his words, I was affected by the manner of this poor soul. There was a Chock Full Of Nuts coffee and sandwich shop in the neighborhood and one day I offered to buy him lunch. (I was making only $100 a week but a coffee was only ten cents and a slim sandwich only 35 cents.) He shook his head and declined my offer because for whatever reason I won't speculate, he preferred the dime. He was the first beggar I so vividly recall, but hardly the last. Sadly, he made an impression upon me, reminded in a way by Bruce's encounter in a far different but very similar place. How fortunate we are!
10/21/2023 01:45:19 pm
10/23/2023 11:32:11 am
Any gracias en Español?
10/23/2023 12:24:55 pm
K.....i'll have to wait until saturday morning to find out....assuming he shows up. 10/23/2023 11:16:03 am
I was pleasantly surprised on my first trip to Paris. I had heard so many negative stories about the French, but we experienced only wonderful hospitality. People can sense when someone is sincerely interested in their culture and country.
10/23/2023 12:19:52 pm
Alan D Levine
10/23/2023 12:28:33 pm
It certainly wasn't the law in the 1970s when I was in Montreal and hot pants were in fashion.
10/23/2023 12:34:05 pm
alan, Comments are closed.