(start at 3:30 for deep expression of concern over diet) I did not watch the spectacle on Thursday because it makes me uncomfortable to see somebody behave like that in public. It’s a behavioral problem the Trump family really should have dealt with when young Donald was acting out while at the Kew-Forest School and was exiled to military school. Now it might be too late. But not too late for Republicans to open their eyes and realize what they have wrought. Two months ago I wrote that I was putting my hopes on Sen. John McCain to mobilize his colleagues, as the patriotic act of a military hero. The other day, the great Tim Weiner put his hopes on Sen. McCain as well as James Comey, the head of the F.B.I. Comey. The name is familiar. I also gave Trump 18 months in office before he got bored, or was forced out. The way it looks now, he will lose the Republicans in Congress, one by one. One can only imagine what the rational ones are saying in the corridors right now. Eventually, even moral ciphers like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan will catch up. Then there's this: last weekend on the resurgent Saturday Night Live, Michael Che alluded to Trump’s junk-food jones: “I’m starting to feel bad for Donald Trump . . . I hope he quits. Donald, is this really how you want to spend the last two years of your life?” I did catch a few clips from Trump’s performance on Thursday. The man looks terrible – new lines on his face, new jowls, new twitches. He seemed to be sucking wind between his one-liners. Dude, when you see McCain and Graham and a few others at the door for a little chat, they will be doing you a yooge favor.
2/17/2017 02:49:44 pm
This is fucking embarrassing.
Richard Taylor
2/17/2017 03:40:31 pm
A few thoughts. Bob Michael died today. As I wrote my adult children, Bob Michael's demise at the hand of Newt Gingrich marked the end of the Republican party as a responsible entity and began their long descent to the reptilian party it is today. James Comey, in my opinion, single handed destroyed Clinton's campaign. The Russians may have facilitated the leaks but the FBI director knew very well that timely releases would ensure Trump's victory. Put me in the tin foil hat club but this was a "very American coup".
Ed Martin
2/17/2017 04:38:14 pm
Why am I reminded of Casey Stengel saying, "Can't anybody here play this game?"
George Vecsey
2/17/2017 04:41:56 pm
Dear Mr. Taylor: Thank you for alerting me about Rep. Michlel. I will admit, I didn't know much about him, but he sounds familiar. I covered Appalachia, early 70s religion later, and I got to meet members of Congress. I once spent a day with Howard Baker and his asst. Fred Thompson in 1972 -- before Watergate became hot. I think of Javits, Rockelfeller, LBJ's friend Dirksen and more recently that terrific rep from Virginia,. Tom Davis. I had high respect for them -- and miss the gravitas of the loyal opposition. Best, GV
George Vecsey
2/17/2017 05:04:43 pm
Duh. I knew I was forgetting somebody important. Richard L. Thornburg, ``` later attorney general but in 1971 the attorney for western PA. He was prosecuting a pollution case (by US Steel) and gave me a primer on jury selection that informs me to this day. Smart, funny, principled.
Gene Palumbo
2/18/2017 01:56:18 am
George Vecsey
2/18/2017 09:30:20 am
Gene, thanks I'm sorry I didn't know more about Michel. There are so many examples of pairing off by politicians -- LBJ and Dirksen, Reagan and O'Neill, Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch.
Hansen Alexander
2/18/2017 12:13:45 pm
George Vecsey
2/18/2017 12:39:52 pm
Hansen, as the saying goes, your lips to G-d's ears. 3/1/2017 03:38:34 am
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