The thing I remember most about Naked Came the Stranger is that Mike McGrady and Harvey Aronson shared the profits. This is such stunning behavior that it needs to be put in a separate category from Mike’s (a) being a superb journalist and (b) coming up with a noted publishing hoax or scram or prank or whatever it was.
When he passed this week at 78, Mike was celebrated not only in respectful obits in the Washington Post and New York Times but also in an editorial in the Times. It said he should be most remembered as a columnist; Mike went to Vietnam for Newsday in 1967 and his point of view was stated in the title of his series, later a book: A Dove in Vietnam. When Mike got back, having sniffed out the hypocrisy of that mad endeavor, he and his colleague Aronson came up with an idea for takeoff on all the bad sex novels that sold zillions of copies. Proposing a novel about infidelity in the suburbs, they invented the main character, a scorned wife on a mission, and they encouraged co-workers to write our own steamy chapters. (I was in the sports department at Newsday until 1968. Like many ball players, I have fond memories of my first team – a great newspaper back in those days, built by the visionary publisher, Alicia Patterson. Miss P. Harvey Aronson -- who called himself H. Casey Aronson -- was mostly the manager of the Nightside Softball Team. In his spare time, he sometimes edited and wrote and nurtured young talent.) A lot of us received printed memos in the office mail, inviting us to take part. (Kids, this was before there was such a thing as e-mails, or computers.) Some of us contributed our foolish little chapters and became co-authors for life. McGrady and Aronson cobbled together our efforts and sent forth into this land a cover, lurid for its time, and words that might have been erotic if they had not been so hackneyed. But at least we were trying to be ridiculous. It was not an accident. The results are well-known – a novel under the Nom de Smut of Penelope Ashe. We were all Penelope Ashe, whether our scribblings were accepted or blended into one chapter, or merely noted with grace by Mike and Harvey. Some in the so-called reading public – even reviewers -- were fooled; some suspected nothing could be this bad unintentionally; some people actually bought the damn thing and read it. We went on the David Frost show with a naked model based on the figure on the cover. Ultimately, somebody made a porn movie with the same title, and Stan Isaacs rented a hansom cab to take a few of us to the, um, grand opening. But the most astonishing part was that McGrady and Aronson divided the income into equal parts – one-twenty-fifth, as I recall. The occasional checks financed the odd trip to the city, or milk and diapers for growing families, or an after-hour round set up by Leo at the Midway bar and grill in Garden City. Mike and Harvey had the idea, they did most of the work, they publicized it, and yet they shared the booty. I used to ask them about their egalité, and they just shrugged. This was the right thing to do. Tell that to people who collaborate in show business or web ventures or high finance or politics or lottery partnerships. Fairness is not a given. A word about my own miserable efforts. While working an occasional shift on dreaded rewrite on the overnight sports desk, I was waiting for night baseball games to end on the West Coast. Having taken typing in junior high school, I batted out a chapter in an hour. Then the Dodgers beat the Giants, or vice versa, and I finished my excursion into soft porn. I'm still not sure if this is a good thing or not, but mine is the cleanest, most tasteful, chapter in the book. For the hapless schnook in my chapter I gave the name Morton Earbrow. I remembered that Casey Stengel once said Gil Hodges was so strong that he could “squeeze your earbrows off.” I wasn’t quite sure what an earbrow was, but it sounded like a word I could resurrect in my one-hour career as 1/25 novelist. (Oh, yes, a sample of my dreadful prose -- intact, as I recall -- was cited in Mike’s Washington Post obit. Recognition at last.) We all went our separate ways. Mike settled in western Washington State, and urged his pals to come visit. I wish I had, but I could never get further west than the pho emporiums on Aurora in Seattle. I’m left with fond memories of a colleague with talent and humor. And integrity.
bruce picken
5/18/2012 05:54:04 am
george, good piece. i recall the cover as being quite scandalous/erotic at the time. for the life of me, i can't recall if i read it or not. have you ever thought of doing a piece or book on your travels in the states? you must've been all over the place during your career/vacations. i smiled when i read about learning how to type in junior high school. no junior high schools when i went to school here in the great white north. elementary and high schools and that was it. i often say the ONLY things i learned in high school were how to type in mrs loos' class at dundas district high and that i liked history. ah, high school. grades 9&10, the best four years of my life.....
Alan Rubin
5/18/2012 08:12:50 am
Bruce--As long as you are suggesting that GV fill his spare time by writing more books, I would like to suggest a summary of his globe trotting soccer travels.
George Vecsey
5/18/2012 08:29:41 am
you guys are nice..I need to write a soccer book sometime. Probably before the next WC...which means soon.
Hansen Alexander
5/20/2012 03:00:04 am
Hansen Alexander
5/19/2012 04:19:48 am
I'm with you, Bruce, I can't remember if i actually read it either,
Alan Rubin
5/18/2012 09:34:47 am
George-I hope that you are a quick writer as the WC is in two years.
bruce picken
5/18/2012 10:29:35 am
george, i thought of europe too, but more tour de france and soccer. see you've been drawn in to the lynn birth certficate stuff. sort of your own 'birther' baptism..... 5/21/2012 07:42:20 am
George Vecsey
5/21/2012 10:21:27 am
Jerry, nice to hear from you. I guess hoaxes are all connected in spirit, but I cannot answer about whether my friends were even aware of the Shepherd plot. You know more about that than I do. I would say that whatever Mike and Harvey wrote or said afterward is good enough for me. Best, GV 5/24/2012 03:34:23 am
Mike McGrady was also generous with guidance for a young reporter fortunate enough to be learning the craft in those glory years at Newsday.
George Vecsey
5/24/2012 08:01:26 am
Ed, great to hear from another old Newsday hand.
Mike Connors
6/4/2012 07:19:03 am
Thanks George for the perspective and tribute. As an impressionable lad growing up on LI, I remember Mike's name in print and also the effects of Vietnam in my town as well as at work. I love your sentence about your agenda at night, before or after.......may he rest in peace. Keep striking the keys here too! 8/20/2012 10:25:29 pm
Mike McGrady was also generous with guidance for a young reporter fortunate enough to be learning the craft in those glory years at Newsday. 2/13/2014 10:46:22 pm
I reckon that hoaxes are extremely hooked up in soul, but My partner and i are not able to response regarding regardless of whether my personal buddies have been even aware of this Shepherd plot of land. You know more about this as compared to I really do. I'd personally state in which whichever Robert and also Harvey composed as well as said subsequently can be good enough for me personally. Very best, GV. Comments are closed.