![]() A private investigator I know (perhaps connected to the MI6?) has found current Ladbrokes odds of 11-10 that the impending President will not last four years. Here’s the article:
https://www.inverse.com/article/26292-donald-trump-impeachment-odds Perhaps this is mere wishful thinking from people with a few bob to wager. You could ask, what do the Brits know? They voted for Brexit, against their own self-interest. Still, maybe they are on to something. Are American voters figuring out what they have done? The most recent Quinnipiac poll shows abysmal ratings for any incoming President. Here in P.T. Barnum’s America, some voters who hallucinated a fine religious gentleman or a successful businessman are having misgivings. Here are the numbers: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/poll-trump-presidential-transition-approval-233412 I recently wrote that something would get the new guy within 18 months – his tiny attention span, blatant conflicts and legalities, or being 70 and overweight. (Have you seen the latest photos of that neck?) A sex tape would be fine, too. Right now, a lot of people are preparing to demonstrate and lobby. At the same time, a friend in the Bay Area says she’s been crying since the election. I know somebody who has come down with a cursing affliction. Myself, I am hunkering down with a hard-covered book and classical music. Our emotions seem as roiled in a different way as those of McConnell and Boehner and Cantor and Ryan were when an African-American was elected president. Everybody has their own private angst. One of my favorite readers said he would cover my bet about 18 months. Put up or shut up, he said. I don’t bet. But I do root against four years of this guy:
Brian Savin
1/13/2017 11:40:30 am
What's with this odd fixation about time in office? Continuing to dwell on this subject is inappropriate and seems potentially dangerous. What insanity has overtaken people to come up with such subjects? You may get to like our new President. I'm warming up to him as he performs much better than I hoped. If you want, I'll give you a comparative primer on what he has already done. I suspect he will do great and deliver on very many disappointments of the last eight years, from jobs to healthcare to optimism. Our country is just fine and Americans across this diverse land from north to south chose well. Chicago-led politicians had their time in office, and America voted not to become Chicago. Good for us.
George Vecsey
1/15/2017 11:45:20 am
Diane Tuman
1/13/2017 04:56:11 pm
Re: the comment: "You may get to like our new President." I doubt that is possible for anyone who cannot remove from their memories his regular disparagement of women, minorities, the disabled, immigrants, internationals, companies, veterans, children (yes, a crying baby), his political opponents and anyone who dared cross his path. I like my leaders to have a degree of respect and dignity for others. Yeah, I'm weird that way. Plus, the hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Drain the swamp? Nice little catch-phrase. Too bad he's blown that idea out of the water by appointing 5 -- count 'em - 5 Goldman Sachs folks worth millions along with a set of cabinet members that have been applauded by the KKK. And, what's the deal with his coziness with Russia? Nice bedfellows he keeps. He has avoided paying taxes, brags about his sexual conquests, disparages the media and carries on like a 6th-grader. No -- probably 4th grade. Sorry, but Trump has a LONG way to go to earn my respect. He is vile. I don't CARE that the stock market went up because it will certainly come crashing down when this fraud of a man is finally exposed. And we will all be witness - as long as you subscribe to FACTS and not your own narrative.
1/15/2017 11:50:20 am
Diane, thanks for the character reference for him.
Radie Nedlin
1/15/2017 08:47:30 am
There is a possibility that when Pres. Trump (very painful to type that) doesn't have things going as he would want the frustration will be so great that he will throw up his arms and quit. Ah for the simple things in life.
Hansen Alexander
1/19/2017 09:31:47 pm
Radie, I concur and have cited Jesse Ventura as an example to follow. He quit in two years as Governor of Minnesota. There is every reason and fact to believe that Trump wants to accomplish his agenda in Washington quickly, and thereafter spend most of his time in New York. I live in a security zone that sees a lot of helicopter traffic as security measures already.
George Vecsey
1/15/2017 11:53:27 am
Thanks for your comment. (First time?)
Hansen Alexander
1/16/2017 02:58:30 pm
George Vecsey
1/16/2017 04:43:20 pm
Hansen, agreed, they can't get him for being his ugly self with Billy Bush. But my understanding is, he could be in non-compliance with some financial rules the moment he takes the oath. Somebody I know has the fantasy that a few of the best lawyers in the land are ready to file suit PM on the 20th.
Hansen Alexander
1/16/2017 07:11:35 pm
Thanks, George, I don't know much, well anything, actually, about the non-compliance financial rules. 1/17/2017 07:44:44 am
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