With a dollop of guilt, I read about the plague of layoffs at Sports Illustrated. After all, I dropped my subscription shortly after retiring as a sports columnist at the Times, nearly eight years ago. I no longer needed to keep up with most of the sports; I needed time to read other things. So it’s hard to level blame at the decline of a giant that meant so much to generations of fans and readers. It’s a sign of the times. I have seen very good newspapers decline or disappear. No sense going over the list. Apparently, the economy does not support the printed word you can hold in your hand and read without having advertisements and other diversions slither into your vision. Thank goodness the NYT and Washington Post and Wall Street Journal and others keep up the staffs and budgets and the standards to keep track of the scoundrels in our midst. But Sports Illustrated – once a plush weekly with talent and swagger plus the budget to back them up – has now been sold to something called a digital platform company. As a young newspaper reporter, I appreciated the writing style -- and space -- that went far beyond the daily accounts in the papers. Stars like Dan Jenkins and Robert Creamer in the early years, Neil Leifer with his camera, always in position, and then young stars like Frank Deford and Gary Smith. It took time to read their articles. These were no tweets, no muscle-twitch fire-the-bum impulses from the Blogosophere. If I had to pick one article that stood for all the expertise and talent (and space, and money) of Sports Illustrated, I would choose the ode to Secretariat written by my friend Bill (William in his byline) Nack, upon the putting down of the great champion in October of 1989. (As it happened, I had petted Secretariat on his swayed back in May, had felt the earth tremble when he moved. ) Bill loved the big red horse, loved the Bluegrass milieu, and he cried when he got the phone call he had been dreading. Later, Bill went through the self-torture of writing he felt every time, only worse this time. But SI had space, and patience, and when Nack was done, there was the article, the masterpiece. But Nack was not alone. Like a Secretariat of magazines, Sports Illustrated raced through more decades of stories and stars: Tim Layden with his versatility, Steve Rushin with his columns, Michael Farber on hockey, Tom Verducci with baseball, Grant Wahl treating soccer seriously, Doctor Z -- Paul Zimmernan - with pro football. So many more I could, should, mention. (Plus, I should note, before SI, there was the great Sport Magazine, RIP, edited for over a decade by my friend Al Silverman, who passed recently. Sport was doing long-form articles long before SI did.) Then the model began to show its age. Advertisements declined. Attention span declined. People were slinging opinions over the Web. Instant gratification. I’m old. I don’t know 99 percent of what goes on out there in the Web. I get the New Yorker in print form every week, and peruse it ceremoniously, and The New York Times arrives in my driveway every morning, plus its magnificent website, and if I want to find out what my Mets did in the past 24 hours I consult Newsday (paid) or the New York Post (on line.) Plus hard-covered books, all over our house, plus magazine articles friends send me. More than enough to read. Hence, my tremor of guilt about the imperilment of Sports Illustrated. Then I read about good people, whom I knew when they were youngsters just breaking in, like Chris Stone, the editor-in-chief, who just got fired by the “digital platform,” whatever that is. Bill Nack cried over Secretariat. I just shake my head and write this piece…and put it out there…on line. Thanks, Sports Illustrated, for all the great articles over the years. * * * Bill Nack's masterpiece on the death of Secretariat, standing in for all the glorious long pieces in SI: https://www.si.com/longform/belmont/index.html NYT article on the talent massacre at SI: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/03/business/media/sports-illustrated-layoffs.html?searchResultPosition=1 A list of great writers at SI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sports_Illustrated_writers The time I petted Secretariat, courtesy of a friend: https://www.georgevecsey.com/home/category/horse%20racing 10/5/2019 12:20:23 pm
I was fortunate very early in my career as a photographer to latch on with Sports Illustrated, probably because they didn't really have anyone who knew much about soccer, let alone how to shoot it, and they gave me a chance because of that. I was lucky, which was indeed fortunate, because I wasn't really all that good a photographer then. They were good to me, generous even, and I grew, shooting all kinds of stories for them from the mid-70's to the mid-90's. I got to work with great writers I admired, people like Kenny Moore, Ron Fimrite, Clive Gammon and Frank Deford. I was published in the company of some legendary photographers, names like Ioos, Kluetmeier, Leifer, Zimmerman and others, I shot the NASL, Pelé's last game at Giants Stadium, a twelve-page picture essay on rugby(imagine anyone doing that today!), bonus pieces(as the long-form pieces in the back of the book were called) on Matt Biondi, Dwight Clark and Renaldo Nehemiah, the US National Team preparing for the 1990 World Cup, Chris Webber ending his college career and one of my absolute favorite assignments of all time, a bonus piece on America's top female shot putter, a wonderful woman named Maren Seidler. Looking back now I realize what a luxury it was to work for SI. Wherever you showed up as "the photographer from SI" doors opened and things happened. You were (almost)always treated as a VIP. Eventually I drifted more and more toward Newsweek, for a number of good reasons, and worked only occasionally for SI. But SI was, and always will be, a high point of my career and I was enormously proud to work for "the magazine". So to see what's happened is heartbreaking. But this didn't just happen all of a sudden. It's been a long, slow, ugly decline, with a lot of damage and heartbreak along the way as good people struggled to keep standards high and the ideal alive. I think now though we can say that SI, the real Sports Illustrated, not the "brand" used to sell tchotchkes and swimsuit calendars, is well and truly dead. RIP, SI...XXX
George Vecsey
10/5/2019 01:34:04 pm
Ciao, John, thank you for mentioning some other giants in photography. You saw SI more closely than I did, obviously, and know what a classy operation it was. You have your own gig going on in Europe now. Love your photos from Napoli (the Maradona image everywhere). Fortunately, the NYT and other great outlets with a web site are going ever more heavily into visual. Those NYT special sections feature photos by long-time friends of mine...and yours.
Roy Edelsack
10/5/2019 03:14:06 pm
Sports in the 1950s and 1960s was in black-and-white. We watched on our black-and white TVs. Even the newsreels were in black-and-white. For my generation (born 1948) Sports Illustrated was our first view of sports in color and it looked magnificent! The deep color of the NFL uniforms. The brown of Ali's gloves. The green grass of Wimbledon. A complete revelation.
George Vecsey
10/5/2019 10:07:24 pm
Hi, Roy: As always, Mad Magazine was onto something...in witty fashion. I grew up with that in junior high school.
10/6/2019 10:38:17 am
George Vecsey
10/6/2019 07:03:40 pm
Bruce: Hard to blame other forces when one intentionally cuts a subscription. We have met the enemy...and it is us (Pogo.)
10/6/2019 07:54:11 pm
Ed Martin
10/7/2019 10:37:31 am
Ah SI, with Time, my first subscriptions, as an alleged grownup, (grad. Student.)
Ed Martin
10/7/2019 03:44:32 pm
Footnote: Here’s one by John Underwood
10/7/2019 03:58:50 pm
very good 10/9/2019 03:40:17 pm
From the beginning, I had subscribed to both Sport and SI until starting college in 1953. Comments are closed.