Best wishes to all the nice people who read My Little Therapy Website, and those who add their comments, making this a community of sorts.
We give thanks for our blessings in the middle of all this. We know some people who are not well right now, and we wish for health. I am planning a little holiday pause, no words, no pictures, no opinions, just wishes for peace and health for all. GV (Painting by Marianne Vecsey; card crafted by David Vecsey.)
Willie Weinbaum
12/23/2021 09:58:54 am
Beautiful painting and sentiments! Here’s to safe, happy, healthy and better times ahead for the Vecseys and all who are near and dear, near and far. 12/23/2021 12:04:42 pm
Thank you George and the same to you and your family. I love your enthusiasm....and writing talent...for this "therapy" website. I know you'll never lose the talent and pray you never lose the enthusiasm. Stay healthy!
12/23/2021 12:52:23 pm
Merry Christmas and happy new year, George.
Ina Lee Selden
12/23/2021 01:32:47 pm
Dear G,
ahron horowitz
12/23/2021 05:04:21 pm
george-happy holidays and best wishes.thank you for your oasis and to all the parched travellers who stop for a brief and happiness for your family.ahron
Phyllis Rosenthal
12/23/2021 06:48:11 pm
We wish you and Maryann and your family wonderful Christmas and a happy,healthy and normal new year🎄 12/24/2021 10:40:54 am
Enjoy the mini-break from your website. Everyone should periodically step back and small the roses.
Ernie and Aviva Kirchman
12/24/2021 06:18:23 pm
Dear George, Marianne and family, Much appreciation for your holiday note. Best wishes for a good year ahead, and thanks for sharing your perspectives of these times!
Edwin W Martin Jr
12/24/2021 08:09:14 pm
Peggy and send you all a wish for Happy Holidays and a better New Year. We have been blessed by visits in the last two weeks by both of our sons, Scott and Bruce and Grandson Alec, and Grandaughter Gwen, a s special others Jennifer and Fila.
Altenir Silva
12/26/2021 03:19:50 pm
Dear George.
1/1/2022 12:09:16 am
dear all, Comments are closed.