Check out this poor schlub being interviewed by Rep. Katie Porter of California.
More important, check out the faces behind him – presumably colleagues or family. They are wincing as Dr. Robert R. Redfield is exposed as yet another Trumpite bumbler in the time of Covid-19. Rep. Porter, in her first term, has become the scourge of corporate and government “leaders” who try to out-wait her few minutes of questioning. Originally from Iowa, Rep. Porter went to Yale University and Harvard Law School, where her mentor was Elizabeth Warren. On Thursday, she was doing what she does best, in a hearing into the lack of preparation for the rampaging virus – specifically the lack of tests and who will bear the cost when any tests are finally available after a scandalous delay. Rep. Porter said she had violated her own rule of not alerting the hapless witnesses. She sent her line of questioning to Dr. Redfield’s office a week ahead of time so he could be prepared. But he appears to know nothing, nothing -- staff work in the time of Trump. Dr. Redfield is a 68-year-old relic, a virologist who previously “served” in government during the early days of AIDS. In his unprepared and ignorant fashion, Donald Trump tried to do away with government medical and research agencies but was forced to find a few people who could pretend to expertise, while Trump’s family and friends filled their gunnysacks with loose cash. In 2018, Dr. Redfield was brought in as Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Not even having the bluster of a bank president, Dr. Redfield was confronted by the terror of the House. Rep. Porter had her facts and figures on hand – how much a test would cost. But most people seeking emergency treatment could not afford this perhaps life-saving process. Would the government cover the cost of a test, Rep. Porter asked. Dr. Redfield took the punches, waited for the bell to ring. But Rep. Porter kept telling him: not good enough. She wanted to know if the government would take care of its people. She told him she has researched his powers. You can do this, according to law, she said. Rep. Porter does this better than I can describe it, better than any lawmaker I have ever seen. Most legislators talk about themselves. She talks about law, about reality. Watch the video. It’s a Perry Mason moment – the stunning reversal in real time—that almost never happens in trials or hearings. In the end, battered and beaten, Dr. Redfield succumbs, seems to promise government coverage. I do not know if his foggy submission has any legality. Trump might well fire him any hour now, say it was all a mistake. Once again, Katie Porter has exposed the stupidity and callousness of this regime. * * * Dr. Redfield: Rep. Porter:
3/13/2020 11:02:13 am
George Vecsey
3/13/2020 04:43:49 pm
Bruce: want to lose faith in this administration? check out Trump's sedated reading of a prompter today....the man sounded drugged, plus he cannot read, He's gotten this country into a mess by ignoring and hiding information -- didn't want his numbers to look bad for the election. GV
3/13/2020 05:02:09 pm
george, 3/13/2020 11:09:58 am
It is easy to see that Rep. Porter is a disciple of Sen. Warren. I have seen Warren in action close up in my state of Mass many times.
George Vecsey
3/13/2020 04:46:00 pm
Alan: Somebody I know has a Warren-for-President sweatshirt, going back to, I think, 2015. She would be a major factor in the Senate majority next January. If we make it. GV
3/13/2020 05:12:05 pm
Andy Tansey
3/15/2020 07:41:38 pm
Just a bit of candid self-centeredness here, I have been consciously extremely worried and depressed over what is happening here in NYC and around the world. This bit about Porter and Warren did much to cheer up this HLS dad.
Roy Edelsack
3/13/2020 01:26:20 pm
Amazingly, Porter's staff had informed Dr. Redfield in writing prior to the hearing that she was going to ask these questions and seek a commitment from him for free virus testing.
3/13/2020 02:38:36 pm
3/13/2020 04:48:30 pm
I think Rep., Porter was stunned to find the doctor had not been advised where she was going. The afterthought personnel in this "government" are incapable. An entire administration of incompetents
3/13/2020 05:06:23 pm
george, 3/13/2020 06:34:36 pm
Since South Caroline, Biden has exhibited an energy and air of confidence that had been lacking. Even his outburst with the "Trumped" up questioner had a positive effect.
3/13/2020 07:21:53 pm
Alan: I totally agree. Jolt of adrenalin.
Roy Edelsack
3/19/2020 01:53:48 pm
I'm going to go obscure here. The English pop group, The Small Faces, made a "concept" album to compete with "Sgt. Pepper's" and "Tommy." It was not commercially successful. But the album, "Ogden's Nutgone Flake," is slowly being recognized as a minor classic. The story involves Stan, who is traumatized when he notices a half moon in the sky. Seeking wisdom, he goes on a quest to learn more. In the final song the secret of life is explained to him thusly:
Roy Edelsack
3/19/2020 02:07:28 pm
Obviously the above was meant for the other thread. I’m not getting much sleep. Comments are closed.