One day soon, but not soon enough, Weary of the vapid sitcoms And offensive commercials We will grab the clicker And summon the Grand Kabuki Of baseball. A jittery old pitcher Scuffing at the mound. A kid we don’t know, pinch-hitting For the first time in the majors. Mutual insecurities Banging up against each other. We will be transfixed by this duel between strangers And we will dump Carmelo chucking it up, And snowboarders, and bad movies, The stupidity of 800 channels. As my friend Ford writes, Sitting out the winter in coastal Virginia, Reading Blake, waiting for AA ball: Hang in there.
Altenir Silva
1/28/2014 11:13:38 am
My dear George,
George Vecsey
1/29/2014 12:06:30 am
Caro Altenir: Desfrute de Copa do Mundo.
Altenir Silva
1/29/2014 11:09:21 am
Dear George,
Brin Savin
1/28/2014 01:28:26 pm
William Blake, eh?
1/29/2014 12:10:34 am
"The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction."
Brian Savin
2/5/2014 11:46:41 am
Cool, touche. (I've been away awhile) Comments are closed.