Why is Michael Flynn running? Just click on the link below for a glimpse into the very near future, courtesy of an imaginative videographer. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/924111999306313729/pu/vid/1280x720/rzsxXzUZlwXav1RJ.mp4 Remember “Peter Pan?” – how Captain Hook was pursued by a crocodile, with a taste for pirate meat? The crocodile had swallowed an alarm clock that emitted a familiar “tick-tock” – which gave Captain Hook a severe case of agità. The man with orange hair can surely hear “tick-tock” every time another piece of evidence surfaces. After that sickening evening in early November of 2016, I have been saying it would take 18 months before this man would self-destruct. He can’t last. It takes time for the vestiges of justice of act, but the pieces are coming together. Now the NYT is reporting that sly old Wilbur Ross has a few dollars invested in Russian interests. Or, as Trump would ask, what Russians? Also, it is reported that special counsel Robert Mueller has enough evidence to indict former Trump hatchet man Michael Flynn. In the background, you can hear the warbling of birds singing for their freedom. If the office temp in the White House acts against Mueller, even the Republicans will be forced to respond. It takes time. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. In the meantime, please enjoy the video above, sent by a friend. Instead of the crocodile, it stars the FBI. (Just click the link. Well worth it.) https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/924111999306313729/pu/vid/1280x720/rzsxXzUZlwXav1RJ.mp4 The faces will be familiar.
Andy Tansey
11/7/2017 07:04:33 am
Great video work! Like a junkie going through cold turkey, purging us of this addiction to falsehood will be painful for the country, but it must happen if we are to reclaim the mantle of the leader of the free world.
11/7/2017 07:37:36 am
Andy: thanks so much. I could go off on a rant any given day but do not want to totally turn off good people who may disagree. That video is terrific but I could not place it in the format of the web company I use - hence the photo and caption with link.
11/8/2017 02:04:43 am
11/8/2017 09:07:23 am
Quite appropriate the video is in slo mo. Mueller is laying his traps methodically and carefully. .
Ed Martin
11/8/2017 11:27:14 am
The Ed Martin-personal Academy Award goes to: THIS FILM. 11/9/2017 12:30:09 pm
Great video. For once "fake news" has a real and appealing feel to it. The political expert on Albany's WAMC radio station has consistently said that the "office temp" will be in trouble when his poll numbers drop into the low 30's and a threatened congress fearing reelection trouble deserts him. Tuesday's election results should have an accelerating effect on this process.
Andy Tansey
11/10/2017 07:35:37 am
Yes, I believe God is a victim of all this manipulation of the truth. I wonder what She thinks of us . . . .
Gene Palumbo
11/10/2017 01:23:08 pm
For those of you who followed the earlier post about Ray Robinson: the NYTimes published an obituary yesterday:
Altenir Silva
11/11/2017 06:29:34 pm
Dear Gene, Comments are closed.