(My colleague Harvey Araton and the standout current reporter Jenny Vrentas have written about the NYT disappearing its sports section. Please open the link below.) https://mailchi.mp/nyguild.org/happening-today-farewell-to-the-sports-desk?e=5db07bd5c6 AT THE END OF WHICH I QUOTE THE BOSS
(You know which Boss)
9/18/2023 03:48:14 pm
As Quakers say, “He speaks my mind.” George kin, not GV.
9/18/2023 05:47:14 pm
Forgive error, GV. Read the story in WaPo and somehow thought the quotes were not yours. Now I can expand print size and read your real words! Mazeltov, timely this week.
9/19/2023 09:17:49 am
Ed: thanks, that WaPo column was lovely...and generous. I don't know him. I admired the way he spoke of the NYT....I know other journalists who said they depended on the NYT for setting a standard. Classy. GV
Altenir Silva
9/18/2023 04:10:17 pm
Altenir Silva
9/19/2023 05:41:13 pm
I meant the great texts written by George. It is a delightful pleasure to read his insights on sports. I recommend TimesMachine on TNYT.
Alan D Levine
9/18/2023 04:16:31 pm
Management--everywhere--never runs out of new tricks. And a weak NLRB, combined with inadequate statutory protection, usually results in its winning.
9/18/2023 04:40:17 pm
Alan D Levine
9/18/2023 04:44:57 pm
No, Randolph, the New York Times threw the game, like the 1919 Black Sox.
9/18/2023 06:44:48 pm
Walter Schwartz
9/18/2023 05:27:40 pm
9/18/2023 06:54:31 pm
Thanks to you all, and Walter, as you know, my parents, while editors at the LI Press, were also activists for the Guild -- on strike in168th St. with the Cossacks bearing down on them on horseback. 1937.
Gene Palumbo
9/19/2023 02:28:06 am
9/19/2023 09:24:28 am
People should not underestimate the logistics of putting out a physical paper around the world. The NYT uses other printing plants (California, Japan, etc.) with limited access to the presses. They recently had to move hours forward because of printing availability. And they aim the web for Anglo parts of the world...Canada...Australia...well, just about everywhere.
Mendel Horowitz
9/19/2023 05:13:24 am
A mensch uses his last column to praise others. RIP NYT Sports and long live this little haven. Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty.
9/19/2023 09:34:08 am
Mendel: thanks, man. The charismatic leader of the Jamaica High chorus, Mrs. Gollobin, once clapped her hands during practice and snapped, "George! Be a mensch!" This goy had to ask some pals what that meant. When I figured it out, it became a valued word in my life. Live up to Mrs. Gollobin's standards. More important, I apply the word to people I meet and observe in the Real World. I think of your sessions in Jerusalem....Be well, GV
Ed Martin
9/19/2023 03:31:21 pm
As I read friends, fellow readers’ comments, emotions, memories still surface. As a kid in the late 40s I received a radio as a birthday gift and I listened to sports whenever free, which was almost always. Sports every night, basketball, Knicks, St. John’s, CCNY (yes NCAA. And NIT champs before disaster), Manhattan, LIU and more. Boxing Mondays from St. Knicks arena, Hockey, “Rocket” Richard, Gordie Howe, Bobby Hull, etc
9/19/2023 03:51:19 pm
Alan D Levine
9/19/2023 03:51:28 pm
Just read a long piece in The Athletic about everything that's wrong with the Padres. The problem with it, however, was that young Mr. Rosenthal (his late father, Eddie, held his own court daily in the courthouse on Sutphin Boulevard) and his co-writer couldn't really get anyone to say much. Times reporters would have gotten a more thorough story.
Andy Tansey
9/19/2023 09:51:23 pm
The Times set the global standard for sports reporting in a general newspaper. I love the way George boils it down to the personal contributors here in our hometown, as well as elsewhere. ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT no longer TO PRINT.
John McDermott
9/25/2023 02:37:27 am
I subscribed to the NYT, a newspaper with a storied sports section, in part because I wanted to read what George Vecsey wrote. I still subscribe to the NYT. But the owners have excised the sports section-and devalued my subscription. And have the unbridled arrogance to place what sports coverage they offer as a replacement behind an additional paywall. There are some harsh but accurate words to describe what this is, most of which I would not use here. I will NEVER subscribe to The Athletic. Never. Ever.
9/25/2023 08:46:40 am
john, Comments are closed.