During a Congressional gold medal ceremony, the family of officer who died protecting the Capitol on Jan. 6 decline to shake hands with McConnell and McCarthy, who have shunned them since that evil day. It is stunning that these cold fish "public servants" even showed up. ![]() Jurors in New York found the Trump Organization guilty on nine counts in the criminal tax fraud trial, on Tuesday, the second day of deliberations. The guilty verdict followed a month-long trial by the Manhattan District Attorney that relied on testimony by finance chief Allen Weisselberg, shown here in a photo with two sour-looking men, who just happened to be in the same place at the same time. ![]() The Washington Post reported that Jack Smith, the special counsel, has subpoenaed local officials in Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona, following reports they had tried to install fake electors favoring Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Smith was appointed recently when it appeared nobody in the Justice Department had any heart for this line of work. I like three things about him – he is listed as having done his undergraduate work at Oneonta State (N.Y.), his Pacino-esque beard and eyes; and his most recent job was in the Hague, prosecuting war crimes. He should feel right at home in this assignment. ![]() OH, AND THEN THERE'S THIS: Sen. Raphael Warnock, minister and follower of the the tradition of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and John Lewis, ran for a full Senate term against Herschel Walker, who once followed his blockers on a football field. Late Tuesday evening, the new Georgia narrowly chose Rev, Warnock. I like this day.
12/7/2022 06:54:46 am
George Vecsey
12/7/2022 11:15:35 am
Randy, thank you, but we're totally digital at this establishment. We were sweating out the vote last night, but Steve Kornacki, the vote guru at MSNBC, continued to point to the large blue cluster in Georgia -- sprawling Atlanta. So when the day;s votes from those counties popped in, we were relieved. Putting up a fool like Walker was an insult to all Georgians.
12/7/2022 10:26:57 am
George Vecsey
12/7/2022 11:38:02 am
Bruce, I hear you, Walker was an embarrassment all around -- a sign of contempt from that party. I know what you mean about being jarred by the religious references, but from my American point of view (and having covered religion for four years), I understand the strong layer of religion in the American body politic. I did notice that Warnock made several references to Jews -- as politicians and as protest martyrs. As an American, I'm not jarred by a winning candidate making a reference. Athletes and coaches thanking the Good Lord for a home run, that's something else. Warnock talks about making life better for all -- my smarm alarm is not activated.
Alan D. Levine
12/7/2022 11:45:57 am
Let's not forget that Senator Warnock is also Reverend Warnock, a graduate of Union Theological Seminary and a longtime assistant to the late Calvin Butts. In fact, he is one of seven clergymen presently serving in Congress. I know I'm not the only one here who remembers Adam Clayton Powell and Father Drinan.
bruce picken
12/7/2022 12:13:46 pm
12/7/2022 10:59:53 am
Hey George! Such happiness, reported so well. Perhaps you might get a job with a major newspaper!
12/7/2022 11:44:38 am
Hey, Phyllis, thank you and for the nice words, particularly from a great editor like you. I am occasionally reminded that I did work for a newspaper back in the day. I do miss it once in a great while -- like right now during the World Cup -- but that's what this site is for. I have been waiting to see what Judge would do so I could process the marketplace and DeGrom and Judge and Verlander, But I'd rather gush about new soccer faces like the tall lad with England....and the brave Moroccans....and old superstars making room for young ones like M'Bappe of France.How about we find a space in the next week or two and raise the defecting of DeGrom and ask the age-old question: Is it good for the Mets fans? Best at home...G 12/7/2022 11:15:42 am
Trump's loosing streak continues. He definitely has a reverse Midas Touch. Everything that he touches turns to s**t.
12/7/2022 11:21:29 am
12/7/2022 11:27:20 am
We have have to move from Florida to Georgia! (Did I just say that?) OY.
12/7/2022 12:15:25 pm
Brazil! Not France twice, even with Macron visit. hi Altenir!
12/7/2022 12:28:18 pm
Alan D. Levine
12/7/2022 11:37:43 am
Did you notice that when Officer Sicknick's family left the stage, McConnell and McCarthy did not applaud, while the rest of the room did?
12/7/2022 01:28:45 pm
GV- long ago in NY Times you published an article very critical of ending games on PK's ( I think that was your article). Can you resend to me?
Altenir Silva
12/7/2022 06:57:40 pm
Dear George: all of that, and Justin Verlander agreed with the Mets. Wow! The new year will be amazing on the baseball world.
12/7/2022 07:26:47 pm
Altenir: It's like watching a mad scientist laboratory -- eliminate one DeGrom, add one Verlander. What happens?
Alan D. Levine
12/7/2022 07:15:13 pm
Yikes. I forgot the real answer to your question: It was a day like all days, filled with the events that alter and illuminate our times.
George Vecsey
12/7/2022 07:24:36 pm
You Are There (TV Series 1953–1972) - Walter Cronkite as Self
Alan D. Levine
12/7/2022 10:49:19 pm
Terrific show of my youth. And, as I learned years later, provided a very good living to blacklisted screenwriters working under assumed names.
Phyllis Rosenthal
12/7/2022 09:48:40 pm
Today, the day after your best day , I found myself so proud to be a NY Mets fan for all these many years. The team and their fans are all New York. You see, today was “coat day”. The team opened their doors for donations of winter coats for the needy. There was a steady stream of fans donating coats. The team was giving 2 free tickets for next season. However more than that , they could not be more efficient and welcoming to those people donating. A great way to start off the holiday season, planning for baseball season! Comments are closed.